Download Excel Compiler

Download and install latest up-to-date version of xlCompiler (Excel Compiler).
The download is a full-featured version.
Build Date: July 20, 2024

Version History

Visit this page to get more information on this update and to see list of all updates for xlCompiler, we've published since first release in 2013.
Example of the compiled excel workbook invoice template
Thank you for choosing xlCompiler - Excel spreadsheet compiler
To start using the software after installing it you should register it on our website. This registration is FREE and will take a few seconds only.
Setup instructions:
Download the setup package and save it on your PC.
Install the software (administrator rights required).
Launch the software from the desktop or from the All Programs menu.
Register your copy of xlCompiler by using Help | About | Activate ... command.

Need our help?

If you have any questions regarding xlCompare - contact us and we will help you.