VBA Compiler for Excel files
Compile Visual Basic Code inside your Excel file into the executable application
What is VBA Compiler software?
Under VBA compiler we understand a software product that takes Visual Basic code as input and gives you executable application (or dynamic link library) as output.
VBA Compiler is a way to protect your code, created in the Visual Basic Editor. Visual Basic for applications is relatively easy tool, that gives you ability to implement your algorithms and models using programming language. The only problem - it doesn't create EXE file from the source code, written on the Visual Basic language. It works in conjunction with Microsoft Office applications. Combination of Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for applications is very powerful way to create financials, analytical and other types of software, that requires calculations.
How to compile VBA Code in the Excel file?
If you are using the method described above - Microsoft Excel + VBA programming language, you can use full power of the Excel's calculation engine + Visual Basic engine that executes your code.
xlCompiler is a software product than converts Excel file to application. It converts all parts of the Excel file:
- Formulas
- Visual Basic Forms
- Visual Basic Code
- User Interface features (shapes, charts, tables, etc.)
So, xlCompiler is a VBA Compiler software application, that converts Visual Basic code contained in the Excel file into the executable application.
So, all you need to do is to install xlCompiler on your computer and compile your Excel workbook to EXE.
What are the features available in VBA Compiler?
xlCompiler supports all the features you can use in the Microsoft Excel. Including Microsoft Excel Object Model and statements available in the Visual Basic language.
What is inside VBA Compiler?
Our product is based on the own spreadsheet calculation engine, that calculates worksheet formulas and Visual Basic Code. User Interface for Visual Basic Forms is implemented by the UI library included into VBA Compiler application xlCompiler.
This engine is a basis of the software. This is powerful and robust module, that works inside of your compiled application.
How VBA Compiler works?
In short process if the following:
Input: Excel file with Visual Basic forms and macros.
Output: Executable application, that executes this code identically to original Excel mode.
Does VBA Compiler (xlCompiler) require Excel on the target PC?
NO. xlCompiler converts Excel file with VBA code into completely standalone application.
Application doesn't require Microsoft Excel to be installed and doesn't require any runtime libraries. It doesn't have any external dependencies. Just copy it to your client's computer and use.
Does the VBA Compiler process Visual Basic Forms?
YES. All forms you have in your Excel file is converted into identical forms in the application.
xlCompiler supports all form controls, that you can use in Excel on the Developers tab.